Statistics & Research about Westville,IN - Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Westville,IN an area served by Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

156 S Flynn Rd Ste 3
Phone : 219-785-1700

Real estate research for area nearby Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
St. John 213,200 836 4.7
La Crosse 90,900 808 10.7
Winfield 190,400 1155 7.3
Hudson Lake 130,400 640 5.9
Keener 155,800 743 5.7
Kingsbury 95,000 581 7.3
Koontz Lake 107,700 775 8.6
Olive 137,300 588 5.1
Scipio 154,300 670 5.2
Grand Beach 759600 NA NA

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
St. John 10643
La Crosse 117
Winfield 1675
Hudson Lake 408
Keener 2231
Kingsbury 36
Koontz Lake 438
Olive 984
Scipio 983
Grand Beach 136
Town of Pines 214
Lake Station 2096
La Porte 3849
Chesterton 2264
Galien 309

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
St. John 1135
La Crosse 9
Winfield 28
Hudson Lake 38
Keener 83
Kingsbury 6
Olive 185
Scipio 150
Grand Beach 13
Town of Pines 15
Lake Station 307
La Porte 1113
Chesterton 227
Galien 15

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
St. John 1206
La Crosse 1
Winfield 153
Hudson Lake 16
Keener 119
Kingsbury 3
Koontz Lake 16
Olive 32
Scipio 63
Grand Beach 42
Town of Pines 2
Lake Station 104
La Porte 320
Chesterton 291
Galien 13

Number of vacant houses in places near by Wagner Huffnagle And Assoc Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
St. John 997
La Crosse 19
Winfield 76
Hudson Lake 134
Keener 391
Kingsbury 11
Koontz Lake 506
Olive 181
Scipio 89
Grand Beach 275
Town of Pines 68
Lake Station 324
La Porte 1045
Chesterton 419
Galien 107