Statistics & Research about West Lafayette,IN - Truck Insure Inc

Here are some statistics & research about West Lafayette,IN an area served by Truck Insure Inc

Phone : 765-463-1878

Real estate research for area nearby Truck Insure Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dayton 104,100 827 9.5
Rossville 111,700 706 7.6
West Point 86900 NA NA
Clarks Hill 81,100 1011 15.0
Sheffield 148,500 700 5.7
Idaville 62,500 699 13.4
Tippecanoe 147,600 872 7.1
Monticello 98,400 678 8.3
Carpenter 96,400 644 8.0
Carroll County 106,100 651 7.4

Number of whites in places near by Truck Insure Inc

Place name Number of whites
Dayton 1079
Rossville 1517
West Point 416
Clarks Hill 514
Sheffield 3744
Idaville 720
Tippecanoe 7077
Monticello 5231
Carpenter 2081
Carroll County 19714
Williamsport 2382
Burnettsville 315
Fowler 2181
Waynetown 923
Parish Grove 392

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Truck Insure Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Dayton 74
Rossville 156
West Point 35
Clarks Hill 54
Sheffield 172
Idaville 53
Tippecanoe 241
Monticello 777
Carpenter 272
Carroll County 2791
Williamsport 213
Burnettsville 59
Fowler 340
Waynetown 153
Parish Grove 10

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Truck Insure Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Dayton 104200
Rossville 22900
Clarks Hill 65000
Sheffield 153600
Idaville 77100
Tippecanoe 131000
Monticello 128400
Carpenter 123600
Carroll County 95500
Williamsport 87700
Burnettsville 65000
Fowler 85000
Waynetown 91000

Number of blacks in places near by Truck Insure Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Dayton 35
Rossville 39
Sheffield 50
Idaville 4
Tippecanoe 301
Monticello 33
Carpenter 1
Carroll County 88
Williamsport 7
Burnettsville 1
Fowler 38