Statistics & Research about Ferdinand,IN - The Insurance Shop

Here are some statistics & research about Ferdinand,IN an area served by The Insurance Shop

123 W Ninth St

Real estate research for area nearby The Insurance Shop

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Birdseye 79,600 434 6.5
Tobin 110300 NA NA
Winslow 51,100 752 17.7
Leavenworth 101,600 200 2.4
Harbison 97500 NA NA
St. Meinrad 68,100 405 7.1
Boonville 88,400 635 8.6
Orange County 90,200 587 7.8
Rutherford 98200 NA NA
Grass 83,700 296 4.2

Number of whites in places near by The Insurance Shop

Place name Number of whites
Birdseye 444
Tobin 527
Winslow 864
Leavenworth 288
Harbison 1346
St. Meinrad 361
Boonville 6092
Orange County 19260
Rutherford 851
Grass 1236
Leopold 709
Troy 11619
Hall 1368
Chrisney 452
Dubois 413

Number of vacant houses in places near by The Insurance Shop

Place name Number of vacant houses
Birdseye 68
Tobin 89
Winslow 49
Leavenworth 62
Harbison 31
Boonville 288
Orange County 1504
Rutherford 41
Grass 63
Leopold 67
Troy 644
Chrisney 33
Dubois 55

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by The Insurance Shop

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Birdseye 31
Tobin 6
Winslow 3
Harbison 12
St. Meinrad 27
Boonville 45
Orange County 206
Rutherford 15
Grass 35
Troy 159
Hall 6