Statistics & Research about Plymouth,IN - Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Plymouth,IN an area served by Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Phone : 574-936-3750

Car dealers nearby Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Den- Mar Automotive

Den- Mar Automotive 620 E Jefferson St.Plymouth,IN,46563 PH574-936-8807
Phone: 574-936-8807

Real estate research for area nearby Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Akron 79,100 605 9.2
New Carlisle 124,700 803 7.7
Locke 128,500 737 6.9
Culver 152,200 660 5.2
Goshen 108,100 742 8.2
Portage 80,600 719 10.7
Star City 72400 NA NA
Concord 106,700 664 7.5
Bass Lake 115,700 719 7.5
Leesburg 118,100 856 8.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Akron 188
New Carlisle 228
Locke 218
Culver 199
Goshen 3618
Portage 13377
Star City 46
Concord 5444
Bass Lake 315
Leesburg 43
Marshall County 4648
Dewey 103
Etna Green 118
Silver Lake 195
Walnut 207

Number of vacant houses in places near by Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Akron 97
New Carlisle 119
Locke 46
Culver 200
Goshen 1041
Portage 6947
Star City 47
Concord 3285
Bass Lake 646
Leesburg 16
Marshall County 2053
Dewey 31
Etna Green 27
Silver Lake 98
Walnut 63

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Akron 126
New Carlisle 153
Locke 220
Culver 110
Goshen 1582
Portage 5162
Star City 42
Concord 3135
Bass Lake 131
Leesburg 32
Marshall County 3452
Dewey 73
Etna Green 23
Silver Lake 30
Walnut 269

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Robertson-Cook Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
New Carlisle 175000
Locke 93000
Culver 100000
Goshen 118900
Portage 125600
Concord 136000
Bass Lake 98000
Leesburg 130700
Marshall County 149300
Dewey 112500
Etna Green 66700
Silver Lake 81300
Walnut 141700