Statistics & Research about Gary,IN - Haywood And Fleming Associates

Here are some statistics & research about Gary,IN an area served by Haywood And Fleming Associates

Phone : 219-938-5025

Car dealers nearby Haywood And Fleming Associates

X Way Auto Sales

Phone: 219-924-7683

Real estate research for area nearby Haywood And Fleming Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dyer 197,500 931 5.7
Palos Park 418,800 2001 5.7
McCook 241,700 958 4.8
Alsip 190,100 871 5.5
Evergreen Park 214,500 940 5.3
Ford Heights 80,300 1033 15.4
East Hazel Crest 133,600 984 8.8
Wanatah 130,900 952 8.7
Cicero 171,000 830 5.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Haywood And Fleming Associates

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Dyer 1035
Palos Park 486
McCook 53
Alsip 3024
Evergreen Park 1664
Ford Heights 199
East Hazel Crest 276
Wanatah 109
Cicero 9669
Dune Acres 25
Town of Pines 115
Hobart 4866
Dolton 2134
Ogden Dunes 87

Number of whites in places near by Haywood And Fleming Associates

Place name Number of whites
Dyer 14820
Palos Park 4433
McCook 295
Alsip 14340
Evergreen Park 14463
Ford Heights 47
East Hazel Crest 576
Wanatah 1079
Cicero 30818
Dune Acres 269
Town of Pines 727
Hobart 33223
Dolton 1447
Ogden Dunes 1062

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Haywood And Fleming Associates

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Dyer 117
Palos Park 77
McCook 7
Alsip 974
Evergreen Park 380
Ford Heights 36
East Hazel Crest 51
Wanatah 6
Cicero 2441
Dune Acres 3
Town of Pines 15
Hobart 988
Dolton 180
Ogden Dunes 16

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Haywood And Fleming Associates

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Dyer 3138
Palos Park 763
McCook 51
Alsip 2884
Evergreen Park 3721
Ford Heights 589
East Hazel Crest 295
Wanatah 281
Cicero 8705
Dune Acres 69
Town of Pines 214
Hobart 7536
Dolton 5435
Ogden Dunes 276