Statistics & Research about Troy,IN - Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Troy,IN an area served by Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Phone : 812-547-7901

Real estate research for area nearby Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hancock County 90,200 567 7.5
Tell City 87,700 533 7.3
Cloverport 65,100 374 6.9
Gentryville 48,900 550 13.5
Cannelton 67,800 469 8.3
Grandview 80,200 572 8.6
Luce 95,400 818 10.3
Troy 88,800 525 7.1
Leopold 120900 NA NA
Owensboro 99,900 601 7.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hancock County 473
Tell City 380
Cloverport 196
Gentryville 55
Cannelton 179
Grandview 61
Luce 93
Troy 644
Leopold 67
Owensboro 2865
Rockport 108
Patesville 171
Breckinridge County 3215
Ekron 6

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Hancock County 141300
Tell City 118800
Cloverport 88300
Gentryville 193800
Cannelton 58300
Grandview 72000
Luce 122200
Troy 104100
Leopold 99700
Owensboro 140600
Rockport 74000
Patesville 97300
Breckinridge County 93100

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hancock County 126
Tell City 344
Cloverport 126
Gentryville 22
Cannelton 203
Grandview 52
Luce 57
Troy 599
Leopold 36
Owensboro 3504
St. Meinrad 36
Rockport 131
Patesville 15
Breckinridge County 731
Ekron 2

Number of blacks in places near by Harpenau Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Hancock County 97
Tell City 69
Cloverport 17
Cannelton 10
Grandview 31
Troy 85
Owensboro 4281
Rockport 53
Breckinridge County 484
Ekron 3