Statistics & Research about South Bend,IN - Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about South Bend,IN an area served by Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

23598 Western Ave Ste 2
South Bend,IN
Phone : 574-233-3313

Car dealers nearby Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Auto Import Specialist

South Bend,IN
Phone: 888-818-9517

Gurley Leep Ford Lincoln

320 E. Ireland Rd. South Bend, IN 46614
South Bend,IN
Phone: 574-291-6910

Real estate research for area nearby Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Harris 194,200 849 5.2
Calvin 145,500 769 6.3
Polk 143,800 716 6.0
Davis 84,600 609 8.6
Indian Village 135900 NA NA
Kingsford Heights 71,100 751 12.7
Bremen 107,200 606 6.8
La Paz 87,000 621 8.6
Portage 80,600 719 10.7
LaGrange 117,600 561 5.7

Number of whites in places near by Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of whites
Harris 20813
Calvin 1351
Polk 2755
Davis 953
Indian Village 115
Kingsford Heights 1352
Bremen 3884
La Paz 476
Portage 59048
LaGrange 2455
Grand Beach 267
Ontwa 5992
Bourbon 3063
Fish Lake 803
South Bend 63961

Number of old houses in places near by Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Harris 74200
Calvin 225000
Polk 138000
Davis 81800
Indian Village 83300
Bremen 81500
La Paz 76300
Portage 74000
LaGrange 92800
Grand Beach 781300
Ontwa 150000
Bourbon 92000
Fish Lake 23300
South Bend 73500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Harris 2632
Calvin 493
Polk 640
Davis 177
Indian Village 34
Kingsford Heights 358
Bremen 747
La Paz 92
Portage 17076
LaGrange 760
Grand Beach 136
Ontwa 1448
Bourbon 702
Fish Lake 173
South Bend 19120

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Harold H Williams Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Harris 590
Polk 71
Davis 9
Kingsford Heights 12
Bremen 51
La Paz 9
Portage 1167
LaGrange 35
Grand Beach 42
Ontwa 48
Bourbon 67
Fish Lake 17
South Bend 1173