Statistics & Research about Jasper,IN - German American Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Jasper,IN an area served by German American Insurance

246 3RD AVE
Phone : 812-482-2866

Real estate research for area nearby German American Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hart 121,900 645 6.3
Warrick County 143,900 748 6.2
Steen 90,400 738 9.8
West Baden Springs 87,900 548 7.5
Spencer County 113,800 566 6.0
Barton 107,200 525 5.9
Veale 129400 NA NA
Jasper 126,900 612 5.8
Barr 153,200 642 5.0
Holland 77,700 375 5.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by German American Insurance

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Hart 257
Warrick County 5289
Steen 144
West Baden Springs 107
Spencer County 1994
Barton 219
Veale 109
Jasper 1409
Barr 368
Holland 64
Northwest 66
Tennyson 29
Shoals 240
Francisco 218
Daviess County 3970

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by German American Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hart 26
Warrick County 1199
Steen 20
West Baden Springs 25
Spencer County 701
Barton 26
Jasper 522
Barr 41
Holland 26
Northwest 43
Tennyson 5
Shoals 44
Francisco 11
Daviess County 918

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by German American Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hart 8
Warrick County 902
Steen 3
West Baden Springs 4
Spencer County 241
Barton 3
Veale 46
Jasper 215
Barr 163
Holland 14
Tennyson 5
Shoals 8
Daviess County 754

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by German American Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Hart 187500
Warrick County 179900
Steen 127500
West Baden Springs 73000
Spencer County 136000
Barton 108000
Veale 119400
Jasper 168800
Barr 127400
Holland 92500
Tennyson 55000
Shoals 79400
Francisco 66300
Daviess County 124300