Statistics & Research about Michigan City,IN - General Ins Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Michigan City,IN an area served by General Ins Services Inc

Phone : 219-879-4581

Car dealers nearby General Ins Services Inc

Michigan City Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Michigan City Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, 700 E US Highway 20 , Michigan City, IN , 46360 , Sales: 888-439-6967Service: 219-872-8600Parts: 877-397-5249
Michigan City,IN
Phone: 888-439-6967

Real estate research for area nearby General Ins Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wanatah 130,900 952 8.7
Lakes of the Four Seasons 182600 NA NA
South Haven 110,800 1081 11.7
Galena 176,000 734 5.0
Oronoko charter 156,000 620 4.8
Coolspring 127,400 600 5.7
Michiana 400000 NA NA
Kingsford Heights 71,100 751 12.7
Oregon 96,500 804 10.0
Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert 247,600 677 3.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by General Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wanatah 109
Lakes of the Four Seasons 262
South Haven 250
Galena 241
Oronoko charter 1026
Coolspring 1273
Michiana 79
Kingsford Heights 143
Oregon 646
Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert 578
Salt Creek Commons 18
Ogden Dunes 87
Michigan City 4450
Hanna 90
Merrillville 3731

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by General Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Wanatah 119200
Lakes of the Four Seasons 170700
South Haven 106200
Galena 107300
Oronoko charter 147600
Coolspring 117000
Michiana 466700
Kingsford Heights 68700
Oregon 110100
Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert 625000
Salt Creek Commons 92700
Ogden Dunes 310500
Michigan City 106200
Hanna 101300
Merrillville 124400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by General Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Wanatah 20
Lakes of the Four Seasons 85
South Haven 129
Galena 98
Oronoko charter 160
Coolspring 170
Michiana 23
Kingsford Heights 12
Oregon 24
Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert 31
Salt Creek Commons 47
Ogden Dunes 24
Michigan City 422
Hanna 30
Merrillville 640

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by General Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Wanatah 162500
Lakes of the Four Seasons 185700
South Haven 154500
Galena 307700
Oronoko charter 281800
Coolspring 113200
Michiana 410000
Oregon 95300
Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert 402600
Ogden Dunes 1000001
Michigan City 151900
Hanna 262500
Merrillville 156900