Statistics & Research about Logansport,IN - Consolidated Union Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Logansport,IN an area served by Consolidated Union Inc

Phone : 574-722-1776

Car dealers nearby Consolidated Union Inc

Mike Anderson Chevrolet Buick Gmc Truck

4301 E. Market Street , Logansport, IN 46947
Phone: (574) 516-4025

Mike Anderson Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Mike Anderson Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram ,417 South Third Street , Logansport,IN , 46947 , Sales: (800) 783-5154,Service: (888) 798-7935,Parts: (888) 823-1053
Phone: (800) 783-5154

Real estate research for area nearby Consolidated Union Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Amboy 74700 NA NA
Akron 79,100 605 9.2
Bethlehem 87,200 897 12.3
Peru 61,700 605 11.8
Idaville 62,500 699 13.4
Grissom AFB 76,700 678 10.6
Eel 66,100 601 10.9
Michigantown 90,600 663 8.8
Buffalo 55,800 764 16.4
Burnettsville 72,000 575 9.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Consolidated Union Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Amboy 55
Akron 188
Bethlehem 119
Peru 1896
Idaville 53
Grissom AFB 288
Eel 2654
Michigantown 72
Buffalo 267
Burnettsville 59
Newcastle 65
Rossville 156
Monon 937
Somerset 32
Sharpsville 62

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Consolidated Union Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Amboy 5
Akron 25
Peru 141
Idaville 26
Eel 247
Michigantown 2
Burnettsville 5
Newcastle 34
Rossville 6
Monon 44
Sharpsville 9

Number of blacks in places near by Consolidated Union Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Peru 919
Idaville 4
Grissom AFB 227
Eel 477
Burnettsville 1
Rossville 39

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Consolidated Union Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Amboy 114300
Peru 34500
Eel 75000
Michigantown 106300
Burnettsville 92500
Newcastle 120000
Rossville 130100
Monon 131900
Sharpsville 112500