Statistics & Research about Hammond,IN - Bassler & Co

Here are some statistics & research about Hammond,IN an area served by Bassler & Co

7207 Indianapolis Blvd #1

Car dealers nearby Bassler & Co

Cheap Cars Hammond Auto Sales

Phone: 877-818-4726

Real estate research for area nearby Bassler & Co

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lynwood 146,900 925 7.6
Westchester 262,100 1519 7.0
Alsip 190,100 871 5.5
Bridgeview 192,000 864 5.4
Elmhurst 377,200 1153 3.7
Blue Island 148,600 836 6.8
Highland 155,200 961 7.4
Markham 111,500 1323 14.2
Indian Head Park 277,700 887 3.8
Hobart 110,200 789 8.6

Number of whites in places near by Bassler & Co

Place name Number of whites
Lynwood 2950
Westchester 11437
Alsip 14340
Bridgeview 13808
Elmhurst 39707
Blue Island 11656
Highland 19682
Markham 1988
Indian Head Park 3493
Hobart 33223
Hinsdale 14973
Rich 19581
East Chicago 7958
Justice 8942
Park Forest 7078

Number of old houses in places near by Bassler & Co

Place name Number of old houses
Lynwood 155200
Westchester 270300
Alsip 153100
Bridgeview 207700
Elmhurst 408700
Blue Island 154200
Highland 113400
Markham 119700
Indian Head Park 568200
Hobart 97700
Hinsdale 851300
Rich 186300
East Chicago 79100
Justice 187500
Park Forest 109600

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bassler & Co

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Lynwood 141
Westchester 77
Alsip 974
Bridgeview 395
Elmhurst 1473
Blue Island 1372
Highland 695
Markham 62
Indian Head Park 174
Hobart 988
Hinsdale 269
Rich 2241
East Chicago 1580
Justice 653
Park Forest 913

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Bassler & Co

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lynwood 627
Westchester 884
Alsip 794
Bridgeview 744
Elmhurst 3632
Blue Island 980
Highland 1364
Markham 898
Indian Head Park 250
Hobart 1881
Hinsdale 2048
Rich 7815
East Chicago 1290
Justice 410
Park Forest 1403